Lower back pain from car accidents can be extremely debilitating and devastating. Many people who suffer from a lower back injury from a car collision may have permanent injuries and not even know it. Over the years we’ve treated many people that suffer from herniated discs, nerve root compression, muscle strain and ligament strains that are caused by car accidents. Many times rear end collisions typically cause severe trauma to the lower back. Victims of these collisions often miss work, their social lives suffer, their family life is greatly interrupted due to the pain and suffering from this collision. With the proper evaluation and management along with diagnosis then treatment, people that suffer from these injuries can eventually get their lives back. At Dynamic Medical Center we want to help those that don’t know what to do to get relief from the pain caused by their auto injuries. If you are suffering from lower back pain due to being in a car accident call Dynamic Medical Center today at (850) 402-9061 to schedule your appointment.