If you are suffering from back or neck pain from herniated or bulging discs we may have a solution for you. Often times many people go the traditional route of taking addictive pain medications that do not produce the desired pain relief they are searching for and that is unfortunate. Others have tried spinal injections or other forms of therapy before being told they need surgery to correct that chronic or acute neck or back pain. If you have tried all of these options and you haven’t received the relief you desire we may have a solution for you. At Dynamic Medical Center we have a specialized treatment protocol called spinal decompression therapy that’s helped thousands of people live a pain free. This treatment is non-invasive, drug free and produces phenomenal results in helping people live a life of enjoyment and joy. Imagine walking without pain, sleeping without pain, enjoying time with family and friends without pain. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation to see if you’re a candidate for this life changing experience. Call us at (850) 402-9061 today!