What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
I’m quite sure you may have heard of this condition from a relative, doctor, or friend. Well lets break it down.
Peripheral means around the perimeter. Neuro stands for nerves, and opathy means pathology (diagnosis of disease). Basically it means the nerves at the lower legs, feet, or hands are diseased.
There are many causes as to why people get diseased nerves in their hands and or feet. These causes are broken down into groups such as mechanical neuropathies, chemical neuropathies, and hereditary neuropathies.
A common cause for a mechanical neuropathy is nerve compression from a disc herniation. A common cause for chemical neuropathies are from diseased nerves from diabetes. Another cause for neuropathies that are uncommon are the hereditary neuropathies caused by complications from Friedrich’s Ataxia which is rare.
There are many people who have these conditions and have tried many forms of treatment, but have had no success. At Dynamic Spine and Wellness we have great information in how we can possibly provide more effective treatment of neuropathy.
Call (850) 402-9061 to learn more.