Dear practice members.
We want to apologize.
As loyal practice members seeking the best in care, we recognize we can do better. We are taking our care to the next level to deliver superior results and an experience you can shout out to your friends about.
Our entire team at Dynamic Medical Center are extremely passionate about helping you achieve optimal health and a fulfilling life. We sincerely wish to empower you to gain control of your health so you can move forward in a proactive manner rather than reactive. We wish to be your ongoing guide or mentor and not primarily a diagnostician that addresses issues once they occur, but work in partnership to prevent them altogether.
We have studied our practice and are focusing on what works and, also, what gets in the way of YOU achieving the best outcome possible.
Now, let’s get to the exciting part! We have taken this knowledge and created an entirely new approach to health care.
In our new model:
- You will continue to receive high-quality care from your doctor.
- You will gain access to a comprehensive and effective lifestyle program, specific to your needs, including ongoing coaching with a certified health coach.
- The services and products you need to achieve your health goals are conveniently bundled together in a single, all inclusive, hassle-free program.
- Finances will cease to be a limiting factor in your healthcare. You will know your investment upfront so there are no surprises month to month, allowing you to plan your budget.
We are incredibly excited to share more about our new model. We know you’re going to love it. The number of practice members we can accept into our new program is limited. If you want to find out more, we are going to be setting time aside every week in the evening to present this information during Dinner with the Doctor. We would love for you and your spouse or partner to attend Dr. Powell’s upcoming talk. Please call the office to learn how you can get started. Can we count on you to make time for this?
Our staff will give you the details on the location and the time. It will be a very good investment of your time, and we’ll have some fun. We commend you for stepping up and taking responsibility for your future.
Dr. Elton Powell